the whole shebang

Comment Policy

Guidelines on Writing Comments

They are short and sweet:

  1. You do not need to be a registered WordPress account-holder to comment. I’m sorry, I guess this isn’t an option on Word Press anymore.
  2. Do not use abusive language toward any commentator or myself.
  3. If you must post abusive language in a direct quote from a source under discussion, please use asterisks to mask part of the word. It’s a little more palatable to read that way. And if you must do this, keep such quotes limited.
  4. No advertising SPAM.
  5. Do not write comments that have no relation to the topic at hand.

Suggestions for HTML in Comments

If you write using the HTML interface, you may want to follow these suggestions. (They are not rules, but suggestions.) Especially #1 will keep your post nice-looking.

  1. CSS customization includes header sizes <h1> through <h3>. So, <h4> and smaller is suggested if you use headers.
  2. It makes things less confusing for users if you use the attribute target=’_blank’ within your anchor links to blogs and websites. Example: <a href=”; target=”_blank”>clickable text</a>.
  3. I devised a special class for adding a source credit (to annotate a fact or quotation). You do not need to use it, but you might like to. The text will be grey so it looks faded, seperate from your own words. Use it in a span tag like so <span class=”credit”>[ Source: person’s name on 01/01/01 ]</span>. You must have it contained somewhere within a paragraph tag (<p>….blah, blah…</p>) or else it will turn out red, like the WordPress link at the bottom of the blog. Here is what the “credit” class within a paragraph within a post will look like:

This is some silly text, but let’s pretend it is a portion of a real article. Maybe we are citing a fact and we want people to know our source of information. [Source: Jane Doe, Channel 0 News, Feb. 12 2004]

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